Vision and Values

Greenwood exists as a church to raise up a generation of passionate disciples of Jesus Christ dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel for the glory of God.
Our Greenwood community is based on 3 PILLARS that sustain its health and vitality:
With these three pillars of community in place we can be established to better reach our neighbours and our world for Christ.
Greenwood exists as a church to raise up a generation of passionate disciples of Jesus Christ dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel for the glory of God.
- Cultivate a passion for the Word of God.
- Cultivate a passion in Worship.
- Cultivate a passion for Witness.
- Cultivate a passion for our Walk with God.
- Cultivate a passion for our World. It is only as we grow in our love for one another that we can effectively reach our world with the love of God in Christ. As such we value the importance of community.
Our Greenwood community is based on 3 PILLARS that sustain its health and vitality:
- Healthy relationships- with God and with one another.
- An accepting atmosphere.
- A fellowship focused on caring and connecting.
With these three pillars of community in place we can be established to better reach our neighbours and our world for Christ.